Development of a safe and assisted ships’ navigation
This joint work package focuses on developing safe and assisted ship navigation for remote control. On the one hand, algorithms and software solutions for ship automation and interactive communication with the remote control center are being developed, which assist the ship’s command in relieving the personnel. On the other hand, in case of communication failure and other malfunctions, the ship will be brought into a safe and operational state with the help of automation functions to avoid possible damages and maintain the ship’s operation. For this purpose, a highly accurate and robust navigation solution (AP9100), obstacle detection and situation identification (AP9200, AP9300), and a course guidance assistant with interactive online trajectory planning (AP9400, AP9500) will be implemented in the test vessel “Ernst-Kramer.” In addition, a collision warning system follows to determine a collision risk and derive emergency functionalities for the entire system (AP9600). The automation functions to be developed will be tested in the ship simulator before being demonstrated with the test ship in AP 10000.
Hardware equipment (sensors, actuators, communication)
Trajectories from AIS data
Evaluation man-control station control station